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Where the Dream Begins

Clinics at SSBC

We offer many clinics throughout the year to improve players of all skill levels. Check out the list below and give us a call to register.

Click on any of the clinics below for details.

Softball Spring Training

Softball Spring Training

Hitters’ Workshops will be held three different times throughout the winter and spring and are designed to give hitters an opportunity to focus directly on all aspects of the fine art of hitting.

April Vacation Camp

April Vacation Camp

The South Shore Baseball Club’s BATTERY CLUB is designed for pitchers and catchers who want to learn and work on the finer points of baseball’s most important positions.

Battery Club

Battery Club

The South Shore Baseball Club’s BATTERY CLUB is designed for pitchers and catchers who want to learn and work on the finer points of baseball’s most important positions.

Hitters Workshops

Hitters Workshops

Hitters’ Workshops will be held three different times throughout the winter and spring and are designed to give hitters an opportunity to focus directly on all aspects of the fine art of hitting.

Rookie Leagues

Rookie Leagues

The SSBC’s Rookie League is designed for youngsters ages 5, 6 and 7 years old with little previous experience in organized athletics.

Summer Camps at Hingham High School

Summer Camps at Hingham High School

The South Shore Baseball Club Summer Camps will feature its usual excellent staff and facilities, assuring each camper a rewarding experience while enjoying our ever popular game.



Unquestionably, the best value at SSBC is one of the many membership options offered by the Club to serious ballplayers. 

Survivor Series

Survivor Series

The Survivor Series is an indoor baseball tournament played over four days for ages 10-12. The indoor games will be played on the turfed field with incrediballs and special “SSBC Niles Rules” of indoor play.

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